MitEuch Consulting

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We support companies in rediscovering their ability to change. Together
we identify existing potential, review currents processes and develop
foundational solutions to ensure long-term success of your company. We
give impulses, build bridges and walk the talk. We are educated and
responsible facilitators and here to support you in creating your successful



We intervene by listening, understanding and setting your teams in
motion. We build on the strengths and successes of your company by
jointly developing new approaches, recreate strategy and motivate your
managers and employees to take new paths. Throughout the process we
focus on working towards the defined goals while expanding practical
leadership skills within your teams.


We provide relief by working with you and your teams from inside-out and
according to the situation. We do not impose prefabricated solutions that
create resistance. Instead we provide guidance to smooth implementation,
to prompt communication plans and facilitate the cooperation between all


We ignite yet untapped potential and optimism, we bring momentum to
your process and set your team in motion. New, self-defined goals and
perspectives generate energy, dynamism and measurable tangible
economic ssuccess.


We enable you and your managers and employees to tackle future-
oriented and sustainable projects without having to neglect daily core
business. We facilitate change by initiating and accompanying necessary
transformation processes.

“In order to develop effective solutions in companies, to win over employees for change and to develop sustainable strategies, you need heart and mind!

Christina Mankus

“Yes, we can!” Your needs and visions team up with my “let’s get to work” – mentality and a healthy dose of “out of the box” – thinking. My mission is to turn challenges with you and your team into successes.
Antje Schütt-Fahrenkrog

Thinking strategic and conceptual and act pragmatic and solution oriented allows the freedom to start immediately. Adaptations can follow along the way – flexible and agile.

“The path arises by the steps we take” (Machado)

Christina Schmöe

“Every crisis is an opportunity and I much prefer to design solutions than to wind up! My ideas for your company today will enable your success in the future!”


Achim Heinzer

Let’s go! 

We like to work WITH you!