

We see ourselves as partners of our clients and not as know-it-alls. We offer our time and our ability to reflect. We offer our neutral view from outside. We help you create clarity regarding the challenge at hand. Our consulting service works from inside out. They are tailor-made and therefore targeted, effective and efficient, in particular for medium-sized and smaller companies, for organizations in transformation as well as for start-ups, NGOs and artists.

 Our client is always in control of the continuation, costs, termination and course setting of the joint project, because we work transparently and modularly. In the sense of a modular boutique concept, we reduce the complexity of each problem to “digestible” project steps and suggest the required and most suitable building blocks from our method kit. If necessary and if desired, we also coordinate the involvement of specialists.

Our consultancy method focuses on strengthening self-organization and optimizing existing
organizational processes, while at the same time expanding the team’s competencies. We choose
holistic, solution-oriented, integrative and creative methods to ensure long-term implementation
success and strategic sustainability.


We support developing sustainable and impactful solutions by listening, understanding and setting
people and strategic matters in motion..

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Strategy and culture


Organizational structure and responsibility

Talent management and succession planning


Conflicts and crises


We enable change by laying the foundation for the necessary transformation
Are you asking yourself…

Are you asking yourself…


Enabling growth and expansion


Merger & acquisition

Restructuring and outplacement

Sustainability and compliance


We ignite the organizational potential by stimulating new thinking and give impulses

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Employer attractiveness

Attracting and retaining employees


Leadership and cooperation


Innovation and sustainability


We create relief by re-defining targeted responsibilities and it’s transparent distribution within your organization.

Are you asking yourself…

Sales and customer relations


Customer experience management


Processes and quality


Productivity increase and costs

Case studies

Find out how MitEuch Consulting advisors have handled respective situations in the past and what was achieved through their interventions.

Cost saving

% reduced overhead cost

% increase in hiring

% EBIT improvement

p.a. increased productivity

% improved customer loyalty

avoided lay-ofss

% higher profitability


Initial situation

Operating in a certain international region caused an international logistics and transport service provider an annual loss, which was no longer acceptable. The cooperation partner locally had exclusivity rights for the market in question and thus dictated the sales strategy.

Leaving the loss zone in the shortest possible time.
1. Increase the quality of sales
  1. Market and competition analysis: How to increase the quality of sales?
  2. Define the ideal product and sales mix with the goal of cost recovery
  3. Formation of a project team consisting of involved functional representatives and develop an
    overall change management roadmap
  4. Monitoring of the implementation

2. Reduction of costs 

  1. Under the retention of the USP – Next day USA! – Reduction of operational costs by adapting the aircraft and operational cycles
  2. Increase productivity in operational processes; introduction of relevant KPIs, active monitoring

3. Create target congruence

  1. Discontinue costly products without contribution margin
  2. Renegotiation of cooperation agreements: exclusion of exclusivity and price increase
  3. Introduction of new, directly owned sales structure and controls
  4. Management of the sales organization and operations from one source
8 million annual loss stopped within 18 months
achieved turn around in terms of a cost-covering sales generation achieved
Realistic prediction, when profitability zone could be re-entered: less then 2 years.
Initial situation
Due to the financial crisis in 2008 an internationally positioned mechanical engineering company loses about 40% of its sales volume in the European / Asian and US markets. At this point in time, the
German organization contributes sales of approx. 370 M € to the consolidated result and has a total
of about 1,150 employees at 4 locations. The group board of directors decides to reduce labor cost by
proportionally by 40% until the end of FY 2009.
Fast and effective adjustment of labor costs to the market situation while maintaining the areas of sales/development/production as well as retaining the loyalty of specialists and managers to the
company. Conclusion of needed agreements with IG Metall and the works councils to be achieved within 6 months timeframe.
1. Downsizing of labor
  1. Reduction of temporary work and of the working time accounts of employees under collective bargaining agreements to minus 100 hours
  2. Reduction for non-tariff and executive employees on the basis of performance assessments and termination agreements.
  3. Reconciliation of interest balance agreement and social plan for the reduction of sales staff; centralization of indoor – 8,7 m € saving
  4. Outsourcing of supplier parts and production processes to Slovakia with closure of departments and reduction employees – approx. 2.1 M saving
2. Short-time work
  1. Introduction of a nationwide short-time work of up to 60% for all functions at the main site (680 employees). Salary waivers and unpaid leave for management in 2009/2010 – 10,8 M savings
  2. Qualification of skilled workers in the field of control engineering in cooperation with the unemployment agency during short-time work period
  3. Securing skilled workers through intensive and transparent communication about the status of the restructuring project. Regular round table talks between representatives of all functions, leadership team and official employee representatives (works councils).
In 2009, a total of € 23 million in labor costs were saved and at the same time 980 employees were kept on payroll at four locations. Functionality and strengthening of the internal sales force, production and preparation in form of employee education for the “catch up period” from 2010 onwards were ensured.
Initial situation
A rapidly expanding group of companies in the craft trades sector was only able to hire around 15 new employees and trainees per year. Approx. 80 million Euro turnover p.a. could not be realized due to the lack of qualified employees. Recruitment was carried out by the managing director and
internal HR services department in the traditional way via job advertisements.
Establish sufficient recruitment process to always have right number of qualified employees and trainees on board in order to handle all customer requests. This meant about 100 new colleagues in the years 2018 / 2019.
1. “Good employer” marketing
  1. Development of a modern homepage with detailed job portal
  2. Design of modern job advertisements usable for digital channels e.g. social media and traditional print press
  3. Production of video clips to attract trainees for vocational training programs
  4. Opening of digital company accounts and plan how to load regularly with different content
2. Qualification and competence of work force ensurance
  1. Intro of a dedicated recruitment function within HR and hiring of an experienced recruiter
  2. Definition and introduction of an active “candidate experience management and onboarding program” incl real time monitoring and controls
  3. Sensitization of all managers including communication and management methods
3. Development of a development and education academy for employees and trainees
In 2018 and 2019, a total of 120 new hires were successfully concluded and accompanying programs introduced. The taken measures resulted in the expected significant growth in sales (80 Mio) and much more satisfied and more loyal customers.
Initial situation
A rapidly expanding company in the railroad industry placed permanent ads on two job portals to find the most sought-after train drivers. About 20 new colleagues have been hired in this way p.a.. This
was not enough to handle all customer inquiries. HR Services was seen as a well-functioning, but purely administrative department.
90 new, qualified train drivers to be hired on an annual basis in order to not having to reject any customer’s request.
1. Definition of the strategic and operational pillars of permanent successful recruiting of train drivers
2. Definition and introduction of an implementation roadmap and responsibilities
  1. Setting up two recruitment teams with different focus
  2. Recruiting regional recruiters
  3. Establishing international recruitment channels
  4. Operationalization of the recruitment process via candidate management process with corresponding measurable targets – i.e. 7 working days – OKRs and controls
  5. Increasing inhouse academy’s training capacities and quality from participants’ views
  6. Widening labor market presence through professional regular appearance in Face Book and Kunununu
  7. Leadership development program in order to improve general communication and leadership skills as well as onboarding and motivation measures
  8. Development of an own career portal in modern optics in cooperation with a digital agency
Since the beginning of the activities, between 60 and 90 new employees have been hired p.a., resulting in significant sales growth.

Initial situation

In an internationally positioned mechanical engineering company, the inverter and software development business for AC motors acquired in 2002 is to be spun off and sold. The location in the

southwest of Germany existed since foundation of the company in 1994 and consisted of 28 employees with a turnover of approx. 8 m $.
Adaptation of processes and legal structures to create an independent branch by separation from the group structure. Central control of Finance, HR, IT, Purchasing and Marketing to be replaced by spread network of subject matter experts. Independent sales force / sales was to be created by April 2015.
1. Spin-off of the business from the GmbH & Co OHG Legal Entity structure
2. introduction of an independent administration and financial organization in a new LLC
3. Service level agreements with the group on IT and purchasing processes
4. Focus on own inverter brand
5. Separation of the sales staff for inverters from the general regional sales operation
6. Reduction of overhead costs by at least 28% by 2014


In 2013 a new management board with extensive powers was appointed for the GmbH. Cost savings of $1.2m and a 35% improvement in EBIT margin were achieved by the end of 2014. Sale successfully took place in 2015.



Initial situation

Customer satisfaction with the accessibility and problem-solving quality provided by the country-specific call centers in Europe was demonstrably very low and became an obstacle for sales, while customer service was actually supposed to be the “leading light” of a worldwide logistics and transportation company. Due to the high “paid not worked” workforce hours, the unit cost share attributable to this function was by far too high at the same time.

Increase customer satisfaction, increase productivity while improving quality and transforming into a learning organization.
Increase employee satisfaction while reducing overall costs.
1. Subdivision of customer requests into automatable (simple), medium and complicated interactions
2. Creation technical of exclusive, multilingual outsourcing centers in 5 countries from a technical and qualified workforce perspective
3. Selection of suitable cooperation partners in India, Middle East and Africa; negotiation/closure of resp. contracts with subcontracting partners

4. Transfer of the corresponding positions and outplacement program for remaining managers and

team members


Digitization of the simple, so called level 1 processes, i.e. acceptance of pickup orders
3.Interface management

1. Cross-functional analysis, redefinition, implementation and guiding monitoring of holistic as

customers’ experience it (customer centricity)

2. Introduction of transaction-based customer experience tracking, real-time monitoring and specific

KPIs and OKRs
3. Qualification programs for all employees involved in the new processes and application tools 
After project costs and investments (ROI within 12 months) a 4 Mio € saving in annual running costs, sustainable reduction of unit costs by 10%+, simultaneous increase of customer satisfaction by 30% on average across Europe was achieved.