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Our network and cooperation partners are committed to the same mission statement and values. We are in close contact with our customers and partners to ensure consistent quality and a high standard in our consulting services. “Maneuver Criticism” is initiated and followed up by the three initiators of this network both during the current project and at its conclusion.



Shortage of skilled workers despite rising unemployment figures

Following a historic slump in German economy in the second quarter as a result of the regulations taken to combat the pandemic, we are seeing effects on regional and vertical labor markets. Both the number of registered short-time workers and the number of unemployed are on the rise.

At the same time, the discussion about the economic consequences of a second or continued lockdown is overshadowing current measures to solve already known problem areas such as

– continuing shortage of skilled workers in technical and social professions

– necessary renewal of the infrastructure in education, transport and cultural programs

– slow implementation of digitilization

Follow Achim Heinzers thoughts and suggestions on how to secur skilled workers in difficult times and in differnt industries: