Pido mucho a mi Dios tan grande y maravilloso para que les de la fortaleza que necesitan para salir adelante con su perdida tan irreparable, mis oraciones para que tenga a este chiquito gozando de su gloria Un abrazo fuertemente con todo respeto pero con todo mi cario!! May God comfoet you ebery moment of every day. Please know you are loved by many! I pray that your beautiful soul can rest in peace in that wonderful place where you deserve to be. Devastada con lo sucedido. A la familia: Mi corazn esta roto, su hijo no solo cambio su vida si no la de todo el mundo, el es mas que inspiracin, es la voz de los nios que sufren esto en las escuelas y lo hacen en silencio. There are no words. Without a doubt, his life and his testimony have left us a great mark and teaching about the importance of respect, empathy, compassion and love. estamos viviendo un tiempo muy difcil, y parece tan injusto que la muerte tenga el poder de arrebatarnos a un ser querido!!! I cannot imagine your families pain. Visitation will be held on November 8 2022 from 100 PM until 500 PM at Doby Funeral Home. May god give you all strength on the days ahead. I have found this post through the actress @jaimiealexander's IG page (Syf from the Marvel movies). 1382 N Main StRaeford, North Carolina 28376. Tengo un beb de 1 ao lo pido por Drayke, por mi hijo y por todos los nios, que nadie ms tenga que pasar por eso por favor. Mis condolencias para sus padres y toda su familia, envo un fuerte abrazo con mucha fuerza a ustedes y a todas las familias que pasan por esta misma situacin, vivimos en un mundo difcil, cada persa no vive sus propias batallas desde el nacimiento hasta su ltimo suspiro, nuestro grano de arena de cada uno sera ensear a nuestros hijos o sobrinos a ser amables con todos, as podemos cambiar al mundo de esta pena y as esta tristeza no ser en vano - my condolences to your family little boy, go and fly high, wish you found the peace you need and hope you're now in heaven with our lovely God and you're family that past away, send hugs. Mis condolencias a familiares y amigos. God had a plan for Drayke and even though we may never understand, have faith in knowing one day you will see him again and you will never be apart. Espero que tu familia encuentre consuelo de la mano de Dios y que tu ests en sus brazos. Another favorite time is when we had a Kids Day at the office and I brought my nephew. Y todos los padres, cuiden a sus hijos, escuchenlos, amnlos, jams los dejen solos, no permitan que nadie los lastime. No one should have to go through the suffering and pain that your family has endured this past week. Creo que no hay palabras que alcancen para saciar tanto dolor. His short time on the Earth was enough for him to leave a lasting legacy that has reached people from around the world. My heart breaks for you and your family and I know it breaks for everyone around the world! Hardman family- I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your sweet baby son and brother. May he rest in peace! The post i read about your son really had me at tears. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Hopefully this tragic event will serve for all of us to unite our prayers. May you Rest In Peace and be a happy free soul up in Heaven ..A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family, my heart goes out to you in your time of sorrow. Ese soy yo. You made an impact on those around you during your time on earth, and your spirit is helping those around the world, even if you are not here to see it. May you lay at His feet and be washed in everlasting peace. Praying a child's life is saved because of your bravery and love. hermoso nio de ojos azules. SO sorry You havevto love this. ok little boy, this is unbelievable and very sad i hope you are better now. Los abrazo bien fuerte desde Argentina. Bullying is very serious and it is very much overlooked. Rezo para que vuestro hermoso hijo tenga un feliz camino hacia el cielo. I'm in extreme lost of words.. there is nothing I can say or do to bring him back but I just wish that I would have known him because I have been through the same things and I still am. "Revelation 21:4. DIOS le d mucha fortaleza a esta familia. Y por favor, necesitamos ms humanidad, necesitamos mas solidaridad,menos odio en este mundo que solo estamos de paso. My deepest condolences to the family.. Slo Dios lo sabe. Les deseo fortaleza para poder continuar con sus vidas de alguna forma, que Dios les de consuelo Las familias pueden ser eternas mediante convenios con Dios. Que dios los acompae!! Estoy ms que segura que ahora en el lugar donde ests eres feliz un nio feliz como siempre lo fuiste con las personas que te conocieron y te vieron crecer un abrazo al cielo para ti. Mis palabras se apagan de pena al no saber qu decirles. I want to send my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your beautiful little boy, sending love and prayers in such a difficult time. Le pido a Dios que encuentren mucha paz y fortaleza para llevar la vida sin su pequeo. Debemos luchar fuertemente para terminar con el bulling y comenzar a aceptarnos entre nosotros. I'm from Argentina and I reached your post, no father should experience the loosing of such a loved one, as your son was. Sentimos mucho la prdida de su pequeo, les mandamos un clido abrazo, que Dios les de la fortaleza para seguir adelante. I cannot imagine as a family how you must feel that your boy felt he needed to take his own life. Mis condolencias por la prdida de su hijo,se que es muy doloroso y ya esto de hacer bulling se tiene que acabar en las escuelas primas y secundarias. Words cannot fathom how sorry I am for you. I can't tell you when it will get better but you guys are brave and I'm praying for y'all peace, ease, comfort, patience, and a soft heart ameen. El ahora es un bello ngel que cuidara de sus pasos, que los seguir amando desde el cielo. Bullies ruled my world and made me want to not live in it anymore. Fly high sweet Drayke, My sincere condolences. My condolences on the loss of your precious child. Mis mas sentido pesame para la familia. I am truly sorry that you are going through this situation. We all mourn the loss so great that the world has just had. I have no doubt that Jesus was the first to wrap His Loving Arms around your beautiful boy. I'm just so sorry that this little boy had to die before anyone knew about what he went through on this Earth. He luchado, lucho y luchar con uas y dientes contra el acoso escolar Por ti, por todos los que no tienen voz, por mi yo de 12 aos. I'm so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine the pain you are going through right now. Lamento profundamente todo lo que viven la historia me movi la fibra siento nostalgia en el alma solo le pido a Dios que los ilumine y llene de fuerza para que salgan adelante paz al alma de ese hermoso nio y ms empatia y amor en el mundo. Aus der Ferne bedauere ich den Verlust Ihres Babys zutiefst und wnsche mir, dass keine andere Familie auf der Welt den Schmerz durchmachen muss, den Ihre Familie gerade durchmacht. I'm glad that Drayke's story is out here so that others may see and change their ways. Lamento mucho su prdida, deseara que el mundo fuera tan diferente , que las personas tomaran conciencia de sus acciones que entendieran que el bullying es horrible que no debera existir, que ningn nio en este mundo debera sentirse tan triste como para llegar a quitarse su vida, me duele mucho todo el dolor que escondi este nio no puedo imaginar lo que estuvo pasando durante mucho tiempo por el acoso que recibi todos los das, lamento que el mundo an no sea conciente lamento que el mundo no haya cambiado, espero que ests en un lugar mejor y que Dios te abrace y te llene de mucho amor y sane todo el dolor que llevabas dentro. Read your post. I send you a big hug, lot of power and love. Yo s que me sientes. I do not tolerate it at all being a victim of bullying myself. I didn't know Drayke, but this story has really touched my heart. Love to you all forever x, You didn't deserve to feel like the only option was to leave this world, may you have eternal peace sweet Drayke, Thinking of all his family at this devastating time. I'm a mom of kids who are bullied , so I promise on honor of your son to always fight for my kids and anyone else's who I know is being bullied. Este tipo de maltrato se puede dar en distintas formas y por favor hay detenerlo a tiempo para que las siguientes generaciones no causen esto. I work in a school and make it my personal responsibility every day to make sure bullying is being prevented. I understand this so much because last year my daughter he cut off his hand because of bullying I am so sorry that the parents of those children cannot teach value to their children we are all equal I send you a big hug and my heart and my prayers are with you, To dear, sweet Drayke may your star continue to shine as bright as your smile shone, shining so bright as a reminder of what a special, loved and treasured young boy you were. Que dificil, pero tambien trato de entender a las personas que deciden partir de este plano, no te quedes aca, tienes que volar y buscar la paz que no encontrabas aca. The excitement on his face and in his body language is something I will always remember. My thoughts are with you all the way from New Zealand. My heart is broken. I have a sweet kid , he is same age like you, i teach then everyday how important is love , respect, being kind. Tengo un nene de esa edad y pienso que ests cosas pasan pero no son temas que se abordan con ms profundidad ! Your boy sounds amazing, wise beyond his years and a kind heart that was bursting with love. Drayke, God has you in his arms now I'm so heartbroken that you had so much pain that you chose to be done. Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias. Rest in peace sweet boy Peace and condolences for all the family. Mis condolencias para toda la familia de este pequeo prncipe de hermosos ojos azules que Dios les de muchas fortaleza para afrontar tan duro momento y que la persona que lo atormento lo ayuden para que no le haga esto a alguien ms que en paz descance. But your smile and the memories you made for your loved ones will live on forever. We will #doitfordrayke Just know your community has got your back. I am a stranger to you in the other side of the country but your beautiful sons tragic story has reached my husband & I in more ways than one. Sentimos mucho ese vaco que dejara ese gran ser humano que fue su hijo. I am writing you from Germany and saw your instagram account. Un abrazo para los que lo conocieron, su historia me ha removido la vida. My heart is broken for all of you. My hearth is broken, I hope that all the family find peace, And I commit my self to teach every single day of my whole life my daugther be a good and cain person, this beggins with us teaching love to them, MIS CONDOLENCIAS PARA LA FAMILIA DEL PEQUEO DE OJOS INCREIBLESMUCHO DOLOR SIENTO POR LA PRDIDA DE VUESTRO HIJO.UN ABRAZO DESDE EL CORAZON. DESDE VILLA GESELL ARGENTINA, Out prayers and love all sending to you in this moment in such pain, I ccried still because Im mom and I couldn't imagine living something like this. Vuela alto muy alto pequeo Dejas un vaco muy grande y una leccin enormeQEPD. I send you lots of hugs with love. Heartbreaking. Los chicos se burlaban de l y se aprovechaban. I don't know you all but I read the story and my heart aches. God bless. Ya tiene a un ngel cuidndolos, un abrazo clido a la familia. Y como dice el, Mas los que esperan Jehov tendrn nuevas fuerzas; levantarn las alas como guilas, corrern, y no se cansarn, caminarn, y no se fatigarn. I am not a mom yet and I don't know if someday I'll be but I can promise you that if I change my mind, I will try to raise a person to be kind, affectionate, mature, and all the good values our parents teach us. Continue to love your family, and give them the strength to continue life on earth, until they see you again. I do not know yous we have never spoken but I have saw about your beautiful boy Drayke and my heart as a mum of a boy taken too soon breaks for you all. Bratcher D Read Kimberly Carthens's complete obituary here: mucha fuerza querida Familia yo no tengo hijos per se lo q es sufrir acoso escolar Que ms podra haber deseado que ese angelito se haya podido levantar de esa cama y renacer junto a sus padres y hermanos, pero creo que ya lo hizo, en otra vida destina para el. Como mam te mando un abrazo hasta el cielo. I give you my conolences and strength for your whole family, let's hope the little one is better and taking care of them from a better, happy and peaceful place. A tight hug to the whole family. No es locura. I'm so sorry, it's hard to explain with word but I send you all my love. I'm inLondon Ontario Canada and we hear and see Draykes name and face.. Drayke is know a teacher an angel and the ether. I am forever sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Go dtuga na haingil t a chosaint Angus a threor! te abrazo,te abrazo mucho madre virtuosaduele devolver al cielo un hijo y deseo que Dios te de el consuelo y la fuerza para entender este acontecimiento, me duele tu dolor porque soy madre, duele ver que este mundo nos haga tanto dao pero te pido que no ceses en la lucha por regalar amor, ese amor que a tu nio le sobraba. love and hugs to you all x, Hermoso Drayke que la virgencita te tenga entre sus brazos acariciandote!! The only thing that can assure is that your voice is being heard. This world can be such a very cruel place. A week ago, I came into my late shift at work, as I do every Sunday & I came across Drayke's parents' posts about him on Instagram. Beautifull little angel, you didn't deserve everything that happened to you. I cannot fathom your grief and pain. Es un angelito mas en el cielo que dios necesitaba. Drayke seguir siendo el mismo angelito que hora descansa en paz. I'm sure Drayke's memory will forever live on through the many lives he touched. My sincere condolences to all the family. my deepest condolences to the family :(, he is now watching for all of you and will always will be there whenever you need him. My heart hurts so much. It makes me heartbroken that he felt he had no other way out. If a person suffers from bullying or depression, give them your support and love. Stay strong in such hard times! He was a little angel, and I still can not understand why all of this happened. schools need to be more aware and take a stronger response to this behavior! Abrazos desde alma querida Flia. Es lamentable todo lo que le ha ocurrido. Please know you are being covered in prayers. May your light shine forever in a better place we like to call heaven. Se libre y feliz, y perdnanos siempre. Estoy profundamente conmovida con esta irreparable perdida, no imagino el dolor que como familia sienten, solo quiero que sepan que estn en mis oraciones. Truly my most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the parents and sisters of Drayke, as a mother I know that you feel the pain for the death of a child, and I also know what it is to fight against bullying to protect your other child. My son Jameson was just a few months younger than Drayke, and this Sunday, the 27th is the 3rd anniversary of his journey to Heaven.To the parents, if you ever need to talk, yell, cry or anything, my family is here for you. I understand you so well .. He had so much to live for. El miedo y la desesperacin invaden al mundo entero por nuestros pequeos hijos. That is why I am writing to offer my condolences. His story is reaching across the country and even the borders. Stay strong for me, all you. Since I have read the story of your beautiful little boy Drayke it really hit me and broke my heart to see how Drakye was suffering in silence. Dejaste una huella en mi con tu partida. Funeral service Annie Smith departed this life on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. No hay palabras de consuelo para esta situacion por la que estan pasando. please know your story has reached Australia. I know my words won't heal this big wound, but you all have gained a gaurdian angel who will be watching and protecting you from above for the rest of forever. Hermoso angelito, que Dios te reciba y te guarde por la eternidad, ruego por tu alma y que descances en paz. Recordare esos ojos azules, esa mirada tan tierna. I am so sorry. Your heart and soul was too beautiful for this world. Que tu alma est en paz Abrazo a la familia. O bem maior que todo mal. Me duele no haber podido compartirte esa fortaleza para que siguieras entre nosotros. Hi Drayke's family , we are sending love and prayers for you from Argentina. We can and must do better. Que donde estemos sigamos abrazando a todos y amando con las diferencias que existen. Dios tenga en la gloria a ese pequeo ngel! I will think about this sweet boy for the rest of my days. Leer todo lo que escribieron sobre el, me parte el corazon Drayke solo quera ser un nio y jugar baloncesto. Teach every child to be kind. Located in Versailles, MO Scrivner-Morrow Funeral Home 210 E Jasper St, Versailles, MO 573-378-4676 Send flowers Obituaries of Scrivner-Page-Dady Funeral Home Calvin Waisner April 18, 2023 (83 years old) View obituary Brady Jaco April 15, 2023 (77 years old) View obituary Donald Fairchild March 31, 2023 (84 years old) View obituary Tight hug. Very heartbroken, and saddened over this. Rest in peace .. What you have experienced there is no one who can do anything about now .. I'll be praying for healing and comfort for you all. Mi pequeo Drayke descansa en paz, ERES LA MIRADA Y EL REFUGIO DE MUCHOS QUE CALLAN SU SILENCIO. Dios les bendiga ante lamentable perdida y les de fortaleza para seguir adelante, como padre de familia quede consternado ante esta noticia que simplemente nos pone en alerta ante la cultura social que ha cambiado los valores y el respeto a la vida. My deepest sympathies to your family. I watched the video of him with the camera out in the wilderness and was comforted that y'all will have the sounds of his voice, his breathing, his footsteps in the grass, recorded forever. . Losing someone to an internal battle that they had been fighting is the hardest thing but the best thing you can do is keep pushing for him. There are not words for the pain you have at this moment, my praying are with you and all family. Siento mucho la prdida de este lindo nio, el era demasiado para este mundo tan cruel, espero que realmente este caso cree conciencia de hasta donde el bullying puede llegar. Bullying is more common than ever now. QUE DESCANSES EN PAZ, ests donde ests . Sending love from New York, No sabes lo fuerte que eres hasta que ser fuerte es la nica opcin que tienes. I cannot imagine the heartbreak your family is feeling. Doby Funeral Home 1382 N Main Street Raeford, NC 28376 Claim this funeral home Doby Funeral Home The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a. I am so sorry. Sending my love & prayers. Nos unimos a la pena que embarga a la familia, al pas y al mundo entero, ante esta prdida tan dolorosa. Saber que el solo duerme xq un dia estaremos igual todo al tiempo de Dios. Keep holding on. Que Dios cuide su alma y le de fortaleza a la familia. I am very sorry for your loss sending all the love you're way RIP Lil man a true king. I'm so sorry for your tremendous loss. Your LOVE is eternal cause you will see each other again.Till then hope you can get the force to face the life. Sending you tons of Love. I hope you're at rest and watching over your family. Y les envo mucha luz PazPara que puedan encontrar algo de consuelo. Please know that your sweet baby boy Drayke is in heaven with Jesus, where he is suffering no more. I'm so sad.. My deepest condolences to all the family! Funeral Homes Local obituaries for Raeford, North Carolina 271 Obituaries Saturday, April 29, 2023 Friday, April 28, 2023 Thursday, April 27, 2023 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Monday, April 24,. People may not think it's serious now that I am 26 and a "joke" comes here and there but it's serious to me. His story his voice will never be unfinished. I can't stop thinking about all of you , I send you all my strength and lots of love. Drayke is forever an Angel and watching/protecting your family! He was a light in this world. There were so many condolences I almost didn't write. Dobie Funeral Home : Mathis, Texas (TX) Dobie Funeral Home RECENT OBITUARIES Rogelia Marez Pena March 11, 1941 April 26, 2023 Francisca "Francis" Padilla December 15, 1985 April 28, 2023 Pamela Joyce Forshage October 30, 1955 April 26, 2023 Roman Nino III November 21, 1960 April 23, 2023 Marjorie Ann Mussman October 04, 1930 April 17, 2023 My deepest condolences to the family.. My deepest condolences, love and prayers to this beautiful family. I accompany you in feeling and your angel and rest in peace and will be the guiding light of your whole family Much love, peace and resignation for you , I didn't know drayke, but I know I would had loved too. I am really sorry for your lost. Bullying has to stop n Drayke will help on it. I will never understand what the point of it is. Que su paso por el mundo nos haya dejado una enseanza, y nos replanteemos muchas cosas, seamos mas empaticos, amorosos y compaeros con el de al lado. I am truly deeply sadden by your loss of such an amazing kid. It all starts from home. Drayke is the star on his team, and everyone compares his talent to Michael Jordan. So sorry for losing your Sweet Boy and so sorry for people not showing Kindness to one another. Live and smile at him everyday as he would have liked to see you. Drake, me duele el alma de pensar en todo lo que sufriste y el dolor de tu familia. A lot of family strength. Me duele el corazn, mi hijo Cristbal de 18 aos sufri acoso escolar todo su paso por la escuela, y pens muchas veces quitarse la viday de parte de las autoridades de las escuelas poco y nada de atencin, para que decir los padres de los nios agresores. Estoy segura que vuestro hijo brillar para siempre en la eternidad porque ser un ser de luz lleno de amor. Take care and love unconditionally. As a mother I am very sad for her loss, I cannot imagine her pain as a teacher I will fight every day so that bullying disappears from our classrooms. Not for the family..not for anyone!!! Minhas mais profundas condolncias, minhas oraes esto com seu menino, muita fora para voc e sua famlia. I'm terribly sorry for your loss and I send you all my love and support for this tough situation. Kimberly Carthens departed this life on Tuesday April 25 2023 in the comfort of her home.She leaves to cherish her memories Her father G.B. May his memory live on today and always. Dejas una huella en el corazn de cada uno y en tu memoria debemos trabajar para que no suceda de nuevo. Drayke rest easy you precious soul. Descansa en paz pequeo angelito. En todas partes del mundo existe el bullying. Descansa en paz, angelito, feliz viaje. I have 2 boys and have always taught them to be kind, but will even more so now for Drayke. Cuando se pierde la vida de un nio, todos perdemos, ellos son la alegra, la ternura el amor y la esperanza de el mundo, me duele en el alma cuando me entero de casos como el de Drayke, que descanse en paz y a su familia, les envo un fuerte abrazo con el corazn, deseando que puedan lidiar con sta triste situacin. Att: Erika Drayke sounded like quite the personality from the beginning, then when I met him I saw he looked and acted JUST like Andy, his mini! Drayke has been an angel sent to leave us a teaching that has no borders. Rezamos para que Dios le de consuelo a tu pobre familia! My sincerest condolences on the loss of your beautiful boy. , Que difcil poner en palabras el dolor y la sensacin de impotencia por tu partida, una partida pronta e impensada, el mundo te llora y abraza a tu familia, vola alto, se luz, se la gua que hoy con seguridad precisa tu familia para continuar, rezo por ti y por tus seres queridos!

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