May begins with the Labor Day holiday and is also remembered for Mother's Day, celebrated on the second Sunday of the month. The majority of foreign flights arrive in Brazil at Guarlhos International Airport in Sao Paulo. She gets frustrated at times and asks me to do something [about our situation]. Welcome to the appointment system of the Embassy of Brazil in Islamabad. During this interview, people explain to the interviewers about their life, education, work experiences and the type of threat. 79. The Brazilian government has taken significant steps to support refugees and asylum seekers by launching the Brazil Humanitarian Visa through Interministerial Decree Number 24, dated September 3, 2021. The registration form can be accessed here below, Fill the form, upload necessary documents and submit the application. Check out this and other ephemeris of the week from April 30th to May 6th at Hoje Dia . We now need help to stand on our feet again. Wazifa Group is a leading worldwide employment website for job listings. September 4, 2022. Humanitarian Visa for Afghanistan is temporarily suspended, Create Account for Brazil Humanitarian visa, Submit your documents and Schedule your Interview. Citizens of Afghanistan must apply for a visa at the nearest Brazilian embassy. How to apply for Brazilian humanitarian visa for Afghans. Currently, humanitarian visas are issued only in the political missions of Brazil in the countries of Pakistan, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey, and Russia. After all available slots are filled, the system will be shut until a future date. At first, people planned to stay in Brazil. You cannot trust the coyotes, your family and your money are not safe.. The first refugees arrived in late 2021, in small enough numbers that local shelters could accommodate them. This visa is completely free. It should be noted that all responsibility for support in Brazil will be the responsibility of the applicant. Once the visa is granted, all support and responsibilities in Brazil will fall on the applicant. Interview of Brazil Humanitarian Visa Has Restarted for Afghanistan : Related: Our Latest Blog About Brazil Humanitarian Visa for Afghans 2023 The lack of integration thus far has been a major concern for refugee advocates, who point to the increasing number of refugees speaking of Brazil as a gateway to the United States or Canada. Immigration International is an online portal providing information about the immigration, and VISA types for people who are interested to immigrate. Earlier in the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the Minister took the swift decision to make previously visa-exempt nationals visa-required, such as nationals of Brazil, . At the entrance of the camp, dozens of hot meals had just arrived and were being distributed to the refugees. In this article, information is provided regarding the procedures for issuing humanitarian visas and traveling to Brazil to Afghans who intend to seek asylum in this country. Bem-vindos ao sistema de agendamento da Embaixada do Brasil em Islamabad. The registered files of ID card, passport, sample signature, photo, and proof of non-commitment of crime are necessary to complete the humanitarian visa application. There are no Application Fees for Brazil Humanitarian Visas! Please take our survey to help us better understand how we can serve our community with new and exciting formats and projects. Swany Zenobini, who co-founded the Coletivo Frente Afeg (Afghan Front Collective) in August 2022 to help the newly arrived refugees, told The New Humanitarian that heading to the United States was not the refugees initial plan. Brazil's humanitarian visas are an important tool in complementary protection, offering legal pathways for forced migrants to reach a safer country. 13. Brazil does not have an embassy or a consulate in Afghanistan. The applicant prints the form, pastes his photo on it, signs the form and seals the final version. More information is available at the Guarulios airports human rights office for refugees. The Brazilian embassy in Tehran can only conduct 50 humanitarian visa interviews each day. An appointment request will not be considered. Brazil established the granting of a temporary visa and residence permit for the purpose of humanitarian reception for Afghan nationals, stateless persons, and people affected by a situation of serious or imminent institutional instability, a serious violation of human rights, or international humanitarian law in Afghanistan through interministerial decree number 24, dated September 3, 2021. Half of the Afghan refugees we assisted have a higher education degree, Nogueira said. Getting the Brazilian humanitarian visa was no easy process. Reservation of a flight ticket using an electronic application form that has been completed. A court ratified the agreement between the state-controlled bank and labor prosecutors on Thursday. Processo seletivo SECOM. Visit the Office of Humanitarian Support for Refugees and Immigrants at Guarulios International Airport for information and assistance. Individuals can, however, ask for refuge in other countries from Brazil and, if necessary, refer to the political representatives of other nations. Ahmad Reza Hussain Zada, an English professor from Kabul, arrived with his wife and six-year-old daughter on 31 December 2022. As of December 2022, 6,302 visas had been granted and about 4,000 Afghans had arrived in the South American country. But with no accompanying support programme set up by former president Jair Bolsonaros administration, aid has largely depended on local government initiatives and the engagement of civil society, leaving Afghans struggling with a host of difficulties on arrival. Immigration International is an online portal providing information about the immigration, and VISA types for people who are interested to immigrate. The Embassy is resuming the scheduling of interviews for humanitarian visas to people affected by the instability in Afghanistan since August 2021.For those eligible, in order to file an application, please go to the following website, and read the instructions carefully: The system is currently open for interviews to be conducted until July 26th 2023. Check out the ephemeris, commemorative dates and holidays of the month selected by Hoje Dia . After evaluating and validating the documents, you can schedule your interview according to the available dates and time slots. The Brazilian Government is in close and daily contact with civil society groups and associations that support Afghans and with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to process requests as quickly as possible and assist with the necessary procedures. It can be recalled that the humanitarian aid office for refugees and immigrants is located in the second terminal B Asa Mezanino office number 116 and its contact number is 00551124454719 and its email address The applicant prints the form, attaches his photo, signs it, and seals the final version. Key Things to Know Citizens of Afghanistan must get a Visa to visit Brazil as tourist. Evacuees from Afghanistan wait with other evacuees to fly to the United States or another safe location in a makeshift departure gate inside a hanger at the United States Air Base in Ramstein, Germany . Applicants must also arrange a plane ticket to Brazil and a document (for example, a bank account status report) confirming their financial ability to reside in Brazil, which they must give to authorities at the relevant embassy on the day of the interview. That would be my last, last option, really, he said. Please note that on the day of the appointment, it is mandatory to present the original documents sent through the system. A humanitarian visa is free of charge, but Afghan candidates should be aware that they are responsible for all expenditures associated with their flight, transit to Brazil, housing rent, food preparation, and other expenses associated with their stay in this country. Everything is more difficult because there is no Afghan community consolidated here.. People who benefit from the humanitarian visa of Brazil and enter this country, have the right to apply for the recognition of refugee status or temporary residence for the purpose of humanitarian admission. Applicants can refer to thislinkand enter the application code, name and date of birth to get information about the progress of their application. PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil (UNHCR) - On their second day in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil, the refugees had their first outing to a local store. Your Afghan passport must be valid for the duration of stay. Todo o contedo deste site est publicado sob a licena, link para Copiar para rea de transferncia, Gabinete do Ministro das Relaes Exteriores, Secretaria de Assuntos Econmicos e Financeiros, Secretaria de Assuntos Multilaterais Polticos, Secretaria de Promoo Comercial, Cincia, Tecnologia, Inovao e Cultura, Secretaria de Comunidades Brasileiras e Assuntos Consulares e Jurdicos, Secretaria de Clima, Energia e Meio Ambiente, Embaixadas e Consulados estrangeiros no Brasil, Lista do Corpo Diplomtico e Datas Nacionais, Ordem de precedncia dos chefes de misso acreditados junto ao Governo brasileiro, Cooperao em cincia, tecnologia e inovao, Setores de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao (SECTECs), Srie de Mapeamentos de Ambientes Promotores de Inovao no Exterior, Desenvolvimento Sustentvel e Meio Ambiente, Presidncia pro tempore brasileira do MERCOSUL 2021, Agenda Financeira e Tributria Internacional, Legalizao e Apostilamento de Documentos, Reparties Consulares do Brasil no exterior, Secretrio de Assuntos Econmicos e Financeiros, Secretrio de Assuntos Multilaterais Polticos, Secretrio de Promoo Comercial, Cincia, Tecnologia, Inovao e Cultura, Secretrio de Comunidades Brasileiras e Assuntos Consulares e Jurdicos, Secretrio de Clima, Energia e Meio Ambiente, Contratos da Agncia Brasileira de Cooperao, Contratos do Departamento de Comunicaes e Documentao, Contratos do Departamento do Servio Exterior, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Recursos Logsticos, Contratos da Diviso de Treinamento e Aperfeioamento, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Planejamento e Integrao Consular, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Promoo Comercial, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Infraestrutura, Contratos do Departamento de Tecnologia e Gesto da Informao, Rol de informaes ultrassecretas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes ultrassecretas classificadas, Rol de informaes secretas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes secretas classificadas, Rol de informaes reservadas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes reservadas classificadas, O Itamaraty e as carreiras do Servio Exterior, Comisso de tica do Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores, Plano de integrao plataforma de cidadania digital, Plano Diretor de Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao (PDTIC), Objetivos e Metas das Iniciativas de Poltica Externa, Estrutura Organizacional do MRE e Dados de Contato, Programa Poltica Externa, Planejamento Estratgico e outras Aes, MRE - Execuo Oramentria e Financeira Detalhada Despesas Discricionrias, Aes de Superviso, Controle e Correio, Eleies 2022 - Termo de Execuo Descentralizada, Termo de Execuo Descentralizada MRE-MAPA, Fotos oficiais e Logomarcas institucionais, Mdias sociais das representaes brasileiras, Assessoria Especial de Comunicao Social, Encarregado pelo tratamento de dados pessoais. Opportunities posted on are published based on original and reliable sources. Also, applicants must prepare a plane ticket to travel to Brazil and a document (for example, a bank account status report) proving their financial ability to live in Brazil and present them to the officials at the relevant embassy on the day of the interview. Applicants should go to the relevant Brazilian embassy on a certain date and time and present the printed forms, passport and proof of financial ability to the officials. At the completion of the interview, the candidates are requested to wait for the embassy to make a decision and respond. Currently, this page is used only for the scheduling of interviews for humanitarian visas to people affected by the instability in Afghanistan since August 2021. Part of that process involves speeding up the legalisation of foreign diplomas a fundamental way to integrate Afghan refugees more quickly. and complete the visa application online and upload all the documents required for the visa application. This link will take you to the websites of Brazils political embassies in these and other countries. Zada is half Tajik, half Hazara, something that made him a target of prejudice and potential violence in Pashtun-dominated Afghanistan. The service works 24 hours a day, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Afghan citizens must have a valid passport for the duration of their stay. If a visa has been issued to the applicants, they will be informed about it on this online page. We are providing the latest updates about the VISAs and the immigration related news. Many Afghans arrive with large families, Nogueira explained. The visa, the note reads, represents an expected entry into the country and does not imply that the government should afford travel costs for immigrants coming to Brazil. She recently developed a cough. Sign up to receive our original, on-the-ground coverage that informs policymakers, practitioners, donors, and others who want to make the world more humane. Aline Porcina de Souza Sobral co-founded the support group with Zenobini. People who enter Brazil using a humanitarian visa have the right to request recognition of refugee status or temporary residency for the purpose of the humanitarian entrance. For the time-being, this was to be home. 10 17 Application is open to schedule the interviews for Brazil Humanitarian visa for Afghanistan. Brazils humanitarian visa is specifically for persons who face grave danger as a result of political developments in Afghanistan after August 15, 2021. To upload file size is (Max 3Mb) and allowed file types are (.doc, .docx, .pdf). Following the completion of the online form, the candidate must print the receipt from the electronic system, sign it, and attach his 34 photo. In case of difficulties, you can seek the support of one of UNHCR Brazil's partner organizations, which can be identified by clicking here . In the first ninety days since the Joint Ministerial Ordinance n 24 was issued, the Brazilian Government granted 339 visas, or almost four visas per day. Brazil Humanitarian Visa Interview Scheduling for Pakistan Embassy 2023This video will help you to schedule the interview time for yourself. All required documents must be submitted digitally using the online form. UNHCR welcomes this week's announcement by Brazil's National Committee for Refugees (CONARE) of special humanitarian visas for Syrians and other nationals affected by the Syrian conflict and who wish to seek refuge in Brazil. Brazil successfully pioneered the use of humanitarian visas in 2012, when Haitians were fleeing a devastating earthquake, and made them available again in 2013, as a brutal civil war pushed. Refugees from Afghanistan fare worse than other nationalities recently welcomed in Brazil, like Syrians and Venezuelans. It is hereby informed that, since 13/06/2022, the scheduling of interviews at the Brazilian Embassy in Tehran for a humanitarian visa for Afghans has been TEMPORARILY suspended, so that the large number of interviews already scheduled can be continued. Humanitarian visa applicants must also respond to some of the officials queries, and all responses and explanations are documented in writing. During his previous tenure, from 2003 to 2010, Lula implemented a range of policies aimed at integrating migrants and refugees. I am at high risk in Afghanistan,I am able to come in Uzbekistan and I want to know that if Brazil embassy issues humanitarian visa for Afghans from There or not ? Brazils Visas for Afghans are also popular as Brazils Humanitarian Visas for Afghans. It is necessary first to send all the documents required through the system by uploading the images or pdf files. You can read the announcement of the Brazilian government regarding the issuance of humanitarian visas to Afghans in this link. It is still desirable, but not essential, that the citizen already has contact with a resident in Brazilian territory who can receive and welcome him upon his arrival. She consulted her notebook and identified the most suitable family. Through interministerial decree number 24, of September 3, 2021, Brazil established the granting of a temporary visa and residence permit for the purpose of humanitarian reception for Afghan nationals, stateless persons and people affected by a situation of serious or imminent institutional instability, serious violation of human rights or Immigration Notice on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan, Republic of Ireland Department of Justice Irish Immigration Service (Aug. 19, . A password reset link will be sent to you by email. Brazil's government also gives fully financed Humanitarian Visas to displaced Afghans amid war. Humanitarian Visas - Afghanistan. Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved Powered by: Danish Gostar. The allowed stay is 90 days. Those who had just arrived made their way to a set of shelters improvised out of blankets draped over the airports metal seats, joining others who had been there for as long as two weeks. Copyright 2021 Immigration International. To apply for the Brazil Humanitarian Visa in Tehran, interested candidates must schedule an appointment at the embassy and bring the following documents: All required documents must be submitted through the online form, and the candidate must print the receipt, sign it, and attach a 34 photo. The Brazil Visa Application Centre (BVAC) opened its doors to the public on 29 September 2015. Brazil's . website of Brazils Embassy in Tehran. Note that appointment requests will not be considered if documents are attached to the email. While the worst of the overcrowding has been alleviated with the addition of 300 beds in refugee shelters near So Paulo, challenges remain, particularly in terms of who is prepared to pay to help the refugees. The UN is planning for 125,000 returnees in the coming months. Brazil established the granting of a temporary visa and residence permit for the purpose of humanitarian reception for Afghan nationals, stateless persons, and people affected by a situation of serious or imminent institutional instability, a serious violation of human rights, or international humanitarian law in Afghanistan through interministerial decree number 24, dated September 3, 2021. The Brazilian embassy in Tehran can only conduct 50 humanitarian visa interviews each day. It is specifically designed for those who are under immediate threat due to recent political events in Afghanistan. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Brazil had announced the humanitarian visa for Afghans in danger in 2021. in August 2022 the embassy of Brazil in Tehran announced that Brazil's Humanitarian Visa for Afghanistan is temporarily suspended. About Brazil Humanitarian Visa: The Brazilian government issues visas for Afghans who are stateless or displaced as a result of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan. Translation: Fabrcio Ferreira- Edition: Kelly Oliveira / Nira Foster. Check your email inbox often because an automatic e-mail message will communicate any status update. Decree that instituted the set of laws that regulate labor relations in the country was signed on May 1, 1943, by Getlio Vargas. WithWazifa Group, you can search millions of jobs online to find the next step in your career. The system is currently open for interviews until July 26th, 2023. The Brazilian Embassy in Tehran can process up to 50 interviews per day for the Brazil Humanitarian Visa, and applicants must schedule an appointment in advance by sending an email to with the subject APPOINTMENT and their full name. Interested in applying for a visa in Tehran should go to the Embassy (with prior appointment) with the following documents: II - completed visa application form; (available here), III - proof of booking a ticket to Brazil; and. For more details about Brazils Humanitarian visa schedule and updates, you can visit the website of Brazils embassy in Pakistan. For more information visit the official website: Other similar jobs that might interest you. The applicant selects the day and time of the interview with the Brazilian embassy while filling out the application form. Apply via the system. It required the family to spend nearly a year in Iran,where they had to pay a hefty fine for exceeding the limit of their one-month temporary visa. Required 'Candidate' login to applying this job. Before you can login, you must activate your account with the code sent to your email address. Powered by iClick Agency. Citizens of Afghanistan must apply for a visa at the nearest Brazilian embassy. website of Brazils Embassy in Abu Dhabi. As the entire process is conducted within this system, no applications or questions should be sent anymore to the email of the consular sector. We are providing the latest updates about the VISAs and the immigration related news. No Afghan refugee has entered the country as of yet, with some still struggling to leave Afghanistan due . Enter the username or e-mail you used in your profile. Since the 30 October election of President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, refugee organisations have been waiting for a change in that landscape. Officials have made internal projections that migrant arrivals to the southern border could . People whose lives, freedom, and security are jeopardized owing to the political situation in Afghanistan and who are unable to return home are eligible for a Brazilian humanitarian visa. Todo o contedo deste site est publicado sob a licena, link para Copiar para rea de transferncia, Gabinete do Ministro das Relaes Exteriores, Secretaria de Assuntos Econmicos e Financeiros, Secretaria de Assuntos Multilaterais Polticos, Secretaria de Promoo Comercial, Cincia, Tecnologia, Inovao e Cultura, Secretaria de Comunidades Brasileiras e Assuntos Consulares e Jurdicos, Secretaria de Clima, Energia e Meio Ambiente, Embaixadas e Consulados estrangeiros no Brasil, Lista do Corpo Diplomtico e Datas Nacionais, Ordem de precedncia dos chefes de misso acreditados junto ao Governo brasileiro, Cooperao em cincia, tecnologia e inovao, Setores de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao (SECTECs), Srie de Mapeamentos de Ambientes Promotores de Inovao no Exterior, Desenvolvimento Sustentvel e Meio Ambiente, Presidncia pro tempore brasileira do MERCOSUL 2021, Agenda Financeira e Tributria Internacional, Legalizao e Apostilamento de Documentos, Reparties Consulares do Brasil no exterior, Secretrio de Assuntos Econmicos e Financeiros, Secretrio de Assuntos Multilaterais Polticos, Secretrio de Promoo Comercial, Cincia, Tecnologia, Inovao e Cultura, Secretrio de Comunidades Brasileiras e Assuntos Consulares e Jurdicos, Secretrio de Clima, Energia e Meio Ambiente, Contratos da Agncia Brasileira de Cooperao, Contratos do Departamento de Comunicaes e Documentao, Contratos do Departamento do Servio Exterior, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Recursos Logsticos, Contratos da Diviso de Treinamento e Aperfeioamento, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Planejamento e Integrao Consular, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Promoo Comercial, Contratos da Coordenao-Geral de Infraestrutura, Contratos do Departamento de Tecnologia e Gesto da Informao, Rol de informaes ultrassecretas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes ultrassecretas classificadas, Rol de informaes secretas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes secretas classificadas, Rol de informaes reservadas desclassificadas, Rol de informaes reservadas classificadas, O Itamaraty e as carreiras do Servio Exterior, Comisso de tica do Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores, Plano de integrao plataforma de cidadania digital, Plano Diretor de Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao (PDTIC), Objetivos e Metas das Iniciativas de Poltica Externa, Estrutura Organizacional do MRE e Dados de Contato, Programa Poltica Externa, Planejamento Estratgico e outras Aes, MRE - Execuo Oramentria e Financeira Detalhada Despesas Discricionrias, Aes de Superviso, Controle e Correio, Eleies 2022 - Termo de Execuo Descentralizada, Termo de Execuo Descentralizada MRE-MAPA, Fotos oficiais e Logomarcas institucionais, Mdias sociais das representaes brasileiras, Assessoria Especial de Comunicao Social, Encarregado pelo tratamento de dados pessoais. It should be mentioned that the candidate will be solely responsible for any support in Brazil. Australia Humanitarian Visa for Afghanistan, Germanys New program to Support 1000 at-risk Afghans every month, Germany offers 5000 Scholarships for Female Afghan Students, Canada Special Program for Afghan Refugees without Refugee Status Card, 500 Canada Visa through Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot for Refugees, Contact us- | Scholarships for all. Then, applicants can get their visa by visiting the embassy again. At least for the time being, this visa can be issued by the Brazilian Embassies in Tehran, Abu Dhabi, Ankara, Doha, Islamabad and Moscow. All relevant papers must be digitally provided using the web form. On May 1-2, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman will travel to Miami, Florida to attend Florida International University's (FIU) Hemispheric Security Conference and continue to build on the USAID-FIU partnership, which was formalized in a Memorandum of Understanding under USAID's Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Initiative last year. Numerous Afghan citizens are already in Brazilian territory, including magistrates, young Afghan photographers and their family groups. To receive this visa, the person must provide his or her reservation for a flight to Brazil at the time of the interview at the Brazilian Embassy in Tehran. Brazil made this decision based on Decree No. To schedule an appointment, the candidate must send an email the subjects APPOINTMENT and his full name. If you want to know more about the CFP, visit the website of government of brazil. Copyright 2021 Immigration International. Powered by iClick Agency. For information and assistance at the Guarulios International Airport, you can visit the Office of Humanitarian Assistance with Refugees and Immigrants. Brazils Minister of Foreign Relations Carlos Frana and Minister of Justice and Public Security Anderson Torres on Friday (Sep. 3) signed an inter-ministerial regulation on the concession of temporary visas and residence permits for humanitarian shelter. website of Brazils Embassy in Islamabad. If a visa has been issued to the applicants, they will be informed about it on this online page. This visa is completely free. Please read all the frequently asked questions and information available on the website of the Brazil embassy and you are requested not to contact the embassy by email to ask questions regarding this humanitarian visa. However, because there are few possibilities for family shelters in general, it is essential for asylum seekers to make contact with a Brazilian citizen in advance to provide support upon arrival. Introduced to Brazil by the Europeans during the colonial period, these festivals originally took place mainly in June but now extend to August in some places. The Brazilian government recently announced the launch of a Humanitarian Visa program for Afghan citizens in 2023. website of Brazils Embassy in Islamabad. These Brazil Visas for Afghans are one of the greatest opportunities for Afghans and dis-placed Afghans to immigrate from Afghanistan to Brazil. If you did not receive this email, please check your junk/spam folder. November 4, 2021. The Ministry of Foreign affairs of Brazil has announced that due to a large number of applicants, the Brazilian government suspends the interview scheduling for Afghanistan humanitarian visas at the Brazilian Embassy in Tehran so that the applicants who have already scheduled interviews will be continued. A total of 185.7 mi hectares21.8% of the national territorycame under fire from 1985 to 2022. Look at my husband greeting those two young gentlemen, Sobral told The New Humanitarian as a few Afghans made their way to the tent site after deboarding a flight from Iran. Applicants need to go tothe official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofthis countryand complete the visa application online and upload all the documents required for the visa application. Do not attach documents to this email. Applicants can use this page to check the status of their application by entering the application code, name, and date of birth. To receive this visa, the person must submit a reservation for an air ticket to Brazil at the time of the interview at the Brazilian Embassy. The system is currently open for interviews to be conducted until July 26th, 2023. after all available slots are filled, the system will be shut until a future date. That is why many people now want to make the journey to the US.. Brazil had announced the humanitarian visa for Afghans in danger in 2021. in August 2022 the embassy of Brazil in Tehran announced that Brazils Humanitarian Visa for Afghanistan is temporarily suspended. Officials from the month-old Lula administration have signalled that an early priority will be the creation of a long-awaited National Policy on Migration, Refuge, and Statelessness. 24 dated September 3, 2021 of the leadership of this country, considering humanitarian values and due to the political situation in Afghanistan, during which humanitarian visas are issued to Afghan nationals. By Sultan Ali Hussaini For Brazil Apr 26,2023. Enter the username or e-mail you used in your profile. No processing fee will be charged for the humanitarian visa. This visa is now available via the Brazilian embassies in Tehran, Abu Dhabi, Ankara, Doha, Islamabad, and Moscow.

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