They also have higher rates of having children with multiple partners. Social relationships are not difficult and people who cannot navigate them are displaying a serious deficit. n=1 description of autism and speculation on etiology. It is known that gifted kids can be misdiagnosed as autism, ADHD or both, but many psychologist never bother doing IQ tests, or do them, but then ignore the results. The damn thing has basically come true! (I have predicted conversations, but only because the other person forgot we already had it. I have 5 children. I still sometimes feel bad about whether that ended up slightly ruining some sort of investigation into which methods of teaching spelling were better or something like that. A couple of things about her birth stand out when comparing the two with the other children. Id say so. This reminds me of something a past friend mentioned. Similarly, you would expect lower rates of male-to-female transgender identity among the population of people on the autism spectrum who came equipped with that Y chromosome. Further (indirect) confirmation of the autism-IQ link comes from evolutionary investigations. Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 12) badge! But if you want to redefine incredible to mean the top 0.1 percent of the population, then yes, Bugmasters guess would be roughly accurate: Thered be approximately 1,250 people who were both incredibly smart and incredibly charismatic in the Western world, or maybe 1,500-2,000 if you assume a minor positive correlation between being intelligence and being socially adept. I would argue the same standardization that has raised IQ generally actually de-selects for geniuses in many caseswe spend a lot of time getting people to think and act a certain way and behave efficiently etc. If you're interested in this, consider taking their Pledge as a formal and public declaration of intent. GS-14 speaking, and Im not exactly normal either. This is just the cystic fibrosis thing again, isnt it? Its a small sample (156) and its 10-14 year olds, not adults. why is the medical establishment making confident claims regarding the connection between his condition and high-functioning autism? Could you elaborate? I find it absolutely bizarre that the intelligence of kids who dont fit in is often ignored. Increasingly smart people at the high end, as the smart people tend to meet in college/at work and pair off and have super-smart kids. She hoped to use this theory to explore why some autistics show delayed language acquisition. Instead of autism causing low IQ, low IQ (in a mental architecture that typically causes high IQ) would cause autism, and then of course when you look at the relatives of a downwards outlier you will find higher IQ. The lectins in wheat interfere with leptin receptors, making people leptin resistant and therefore obese. I spent a lot of time reading about giftedness (having a IQ > 130) in the last few months, specifically educating gifted kids and teenagers, and I found out quite some things about how giftedness can interact with social ability: It turns out that giftedness can be quite a burden for children and teenagers, as not many of their peers can relate to them and vice versa. But her personal life is a mess. FWIW, I know a few bona-fide genius-level people; on the order of Ph.D. This could be constructed as autistic behavior, but I dont buy it. But its frankly unclear who it is talking about. Indeed. In other countries including those in developed areas like Western Europe and North America IQ has been on the rise. Plus being allied to Putin would allow me to strike back at the assholes in the U.S. who treated me unfairly because they were offended by my pragmatic philosophy and refusal to play along with their ignorant social customs, so that would be a nice little side bonus. Many people she knew, she said, felt duped by psychiatrists, for example, who they felt. Thumbs up to this perspective. I was getting my disorders mixed up, yes, but this is the one I was thinking of. Because he was as skilled as me, and had real muscles. Evidence suggest otherwise. Doing some [fundamental] discovery is harder and harder. My office mate is a big sports fan who cares a lot about his yard and house and is a fairly partisan Democratand whos also a mathematician who plays folk music and speaks several languages. Scott mentions selection bias, with people diagnosed as autistic being more likely to be the low-functioning ones, but then he seems fairly dismissive of its importance. The differences between 99% and 99.5% get swamped by other differences between people within that group in traits like energy or perseverance or whatever. This post is missing a discussion of the changing meaning of autism. It doesnt really present much evidence for this other than that autistic people seem to have high perceptual intelligence. And at least a few of them were probably just lying outright. If the foundation isnt strong enough for the tower, the system fails, you develop autism, and you get a collection of symptoms possibly including low intelligence. and b) people diagnosed with autism using current criteria are quite prevalent in the community and presumably functioning in their communities. This study of 45,000 Danes finds that genetic risk for autism correlates at about 0.2 with both IQ and educational attainment. Drink your Brawndo! I dont know their actual IQs, but Im very confident a lot of people in my bubble are nice, funny, enjoyable, sports-watching people with 99% intelligence. I dont think its quite that and even if it were, it would be really mysterious if double sickle cell genes caused more malaria! There are almost no exceptions. (So I dont understand why confidence goes down so much for point 5 in the conclusion of the original post, from 80 to 25 percent.). Broadly, intelligence might be, say: pattern recognition, ability to readjust priors, visual imagination, factual recall, procedural memory etc. >The Gardner study seems to suggest its a very weakly elevated risk, maybe only 1.1x or 1.2x relative risk. Does affliction rates vary with age of both parents? Another, potentially related, possibility is that we are disproportionately likely to diagnose white kids with autism rather than other forms of mental disability. Slate Star Codex For, Then Against, High-Saturated-Fat Diets Posted on March 10, 2020 by Scott Alexander I. This seems like circular logic to me. In this model, theres a ceiling to your intellectual ability thats set by each of those components. For purposes of a discussion of this, I think its best if we restrict ourselves to unusual behaviors. During a conversation on something or other he told my friend that he knew what my friend was going to say, then ended up saying thats not what Id thought youd say afterward. Why on Earth people take a decomposition of intelligence quotient such as the v-p-r, while itself fairly reasonable sounding but also very broad, and take seriously attempts to shoehorn that as the biological mechanism behind a very handwavy metaphor-like explanation such as tower and foundation?It is blatantly obvious that v-p-r is a very crude model that should not make sense. (2) genes that promote autism are being selected for There are plenty of incredibly smart and simultaneously charismatic people out there. Avoidance of social situations. Im very open to people arguing the contrary, but I must say, in 8 years of doing abstract mathematics, I never met an Asperger-like person where giftedness did not seem to be part of the equation. Yes. As a practical matter of course these disorder clusters can easily overlap and often do, as seen in the most recent DSM when they allowed co-diagnosis of autism and ADHD for the first time (by popular demand pretty much!). The relatives of autistic people will usually have many of the genes for autism, but not be autistic themselves. The high end should stay the same, in much the way that the high end of human lifespan is only a little longer now than in 1800its just that a lot more people make it to 90 or 100 with modern medical care. However, I wouldnt be surprised if a statistically high proportion of people here are autistic or have autistic family members. Slightly differently: Being gifted makes it harder to take certain things seriously. We often joke that my son learned English as a second language, it appeared that his primary language acquisition pathway just wasnt there. So it may not just be something like too much of a good thing but the relationship between the seed parameters (genes) and the result (brain architecture/intelligence) is something thats chaotic rather than simple. Like everyone else, they find autism risk genes are positively correlated with years of schooling completed, college completion, and IQ. Yes, the biggest gains from any given exercise are to performing that specific exercise, but gaining strength that way still allows you to do other mostly unrelated motions that use the same muscle group that you couldnt have done without those exercises. But they offer a way of grouping types of problem kids that has caught on. These 3 have a near 100% incidence rate among civil service employees that Ive had to interact with. autism is effectively what we call people whose mental resolution (in the sense of pixels per inch) is too high. Of the autistics I personally know (through common support groups), the Aspergers all have a parent who is an engineer or computer scientist of some sort. To some extent, incompatible advantages can stack by affecting entirely different things (one runner with salutary mutations affecting his legs, his lungs, and his adrenal gland) But to some extent they cant. However, history doesnt always predict the future. A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. Keep in mind, my sample size is small. One other effect of this change in labelling, is that studies of autistics before and after the renaming cant be combined into any kind of meta-study, unless they are both much more detailed in their description of the grouyp they are measuring, and happen to target the same people. But one of his trainers actually had an explanation: A lot of people who casually work out dont exercise all of their muscles equally, so even if they appear to be as strong as him, there could be some muscles that arent as developed as others. most kids will be pretty clearly high or low functioning, with little in between? Thus it is perhaps unsurprising that our data suggests that the contribution of common variants may be more prominent in high-functioning ASD cases such as Aspergers syndrome. I have not read the other comments, so maybe someone already pointed this out, but I wish to file a complaint. I remember seeing that article 10 years ago and Ive never followed up, so replication not guaranteed. In primary school, for a while we used to have daily spelling tests, where we had to spell ten words. In Graph A, we see that if a child has autism (but not intellectual disability), their likelihood of having a father with any particular IQ (orange line) is almost the same as the likelihood of a neurotypical child having a father of that IQ (dotted line). This study finds lower heritability than the usual estimates (which are around 80% to 90%; the authors are embarrassed by this, and in a later study suggest they might just have been bad at determining who in their sample did or didnt have autism. If you get much past that, all intelligible sound will cease and be replaced by a terrible noise that wasnt exhibited _anywhere_ prior in the range of the knob. When people came to our defense, it was generally with an idea I didnt like too much: that maybe there were different types of intelligence and if we sucked at [x] we must surely be good at [y]like life was an RPG character generator or something. I have many fewer data points on low functioning autistic people, who I have mostly met through church. completely unfalsifiable, and 2.) If smart people are predisposed to have autistic kids (which Scott seems very confident of), another trait of smart people is that they tend to get more education than average. I used to live in the DC area and still work with the civil service in my current job. Naturally, things are getting worse. I mean, doesnt that just mean there are lots of hyper-parameters and you can push one set outside the optimal range without maxing out everything? This study of 45,000 Danes finds that genetic risk for autism correlates at about 0.2 with both IQ and educational attainment. I have a female acquaintance who was diagnosed with autism. And second, doesnt it say that in the bottom graph, the dotted and solid lines represent unadjusted and adjusted estimates, respectively? As I understand it (Im an interested amateur, not an expert, so dont trust this too far! We had children at around 30. In the 1800s, the average US man weighed about 155 lbs. That seems too low, based on my interactions with her: shes not so much slow as odd, so it may very well be that the test isnt a good measure. My understanding is that gender dysphoria is associated with certain structures or traits of the brain- transwomen tend to have certain identifiable feminized brain structures, and transmen to have masculinized brain structures. Most successful businessmen. The brain has hyperparameters, just like an artificial neural network. IQb + high genetic load: autism with lowish IQ, always diagnosed as autist (Although, arent gene-behavior connections in general pretty suspect, as per your previous post?) But every so often, somebody tries to do . These three buckets and a few other less important factors combine to determine autism risk for any individual. As for genetics, well, my IQ is ~135, and my wifes is right there with me (~125). They find that even autistic people without de novo mutations have lower-than-average IQ. That said, I too doubt the extreme male brain hypothesis in a general sense, although it may be true in a more limited sense (where autism consists of more masculine features for certain parts of the brain, but not all of them). too many CAG repeats and the area destabilizes and you get runaway anticipation that wipes out later generations of your family. the Council for Evidence-Based Psychiatry in the UK on the lack of validity of diagnostic categories in psychiatry (Which isnt the same as saying its bimodal; the distribution still peaks in the middle, but its wider and flatter.). But African slaves survived. One just needs to consider a model where a brain is a complicated object whose organization and function depends on changes in the genetic blueprint in non-monotonic ways, and it is likely that all combinations (attainable via sexual reproduction) of genes that are beneficial alone or in some particular arrangements are not even more beneficial together; some of the potential arrangements are bound to be non-optimal or even catastrophic.

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